sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009


Obama says "Peace needs some sacrifices"... the lives of the people of Afghanistan and their US soldiers. For what?

Here the news:

Expanded war disappointing to many

The announcement that President Obama has decided to expand our troop strength in Afghanistan was a major disappointment to many of his supporters. It is as if the lessons of Vietnam have been completely ignored. It seems evident to me that no nation can win a war against a people that has been rejecting foreign domination for centuries. Afghanistan has established a sound reputation as "a graveyard for empires."

Though there are Afghani citizens who welcome America’s military presence, there are many others who perceive our involvement as producing more violence and destruction than they faced before we arrived eight years ago. They want us to leave. No brave, honorable U. S. soldier or Marine should be asked to sacrifice their life in such a lost cause.


1 comentario:

DON RANA dijo...

Why Obama think Locally and fuck Globally?.